Planting the Seed for better Health


Planting the Seed for Better Health  Spring is in Full Swing! With the weather being beautiful most of us are outside planting new flowers, mowing the lawn, taking walks, swinging the gold club, playing with the dog, taking our kids to the park... So many activities arise when the weather warms up around spring time. [...]

Planting the Seed for better Health2021-10-26T19:28:06-06:00

Immune Booster & Myers Cocktail?!


IV TREATMENTS AT COASTAL INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE   What we offer at Coastal Integrative Healthcare IV drips deliver essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive tract. By skipping your digestive track and going straight to your bloodstream, this allows for 100% of the vitamins to absorb into your system. This treatment takes about 30-45 minutes [...]

Immune Booster & Myers Cocktail?!2021-10-26T19:34:55-06:00
