Peripheral Neuropathy Massage

Peripheral neuropathy is a complicated illness that can present itself in a host of different manners. For this reason, treatment plans tend to be quite highly personalized and can include a broad spectrum of treatments. When it comes to relieving the pain associated with peripheral neuropathy there are a similarly large number of options, ranging from pharmaceuticals through to physiotherapy and holistic alternatives. There are plenty of reasons why massage therapy can help people suffering from peripheral neuropathy – so let’s now take a look at these in more detail.

Benefits of Peripheral Neuropathy Massage

While massage is not yet considered a ‘conventional’ treatment for peripheral neuropathy it is increasingly recommended by medical practitioners simply because it clearly delivers a wide number of potential benefits. Massage helps to stimulate the blood flow – essential for maintaining and repairing damaged nerves – as well as reducing the pain associated with damaged tissue. Some specialized massage treatments also help enhance people’s pain threshold.

Some of the primary and secondary benefits associated with using massage for treating peripheral neuropathy include:

  • Stimulating blood circulation to affected areas

  • Enhances skin health

  • Increases joint flexibility

  • Encourages nutrients and oxygen to flow throughout the body

  • Reduces nerve pain

  • Produces positive endorphins (our natural painkiller)

  • Helps people cope with arthritis

  • Boosts mood and creates a sense of optimism

physical therapy

What Kinds of Massage Works Best for Peripheral Neuropathy?

There are many different styles of massage that can each provide more focused treatments depending on the location and style of the peripheral neuropathy. Deep tissue, neuromuscular, and connective tissue massages are particularly effective for stimulating that essential circulatory system, although these do need to be administered professionally. More general ‘Swedish’ massages are best performed gently to help provide benign relief from pain alongside a pleasant psychological boost.

A good proportion of patients find that having these performed on a semi-regular basis provides lasting improvements. Talk to your healthcare provider to discuss how different forms of specialist massage therapy can help manage peripheral neuropathy.

Are There Any Risks?

There are very few risks from professionally administered massages for peripheral neuropathy. Before their first session patients will be evaluated for their suitability according to their existing medical status. Only a handful of ailments make people unsuitable for massage therapy.

Treatments are intended to prevent and decrease exposure to pain although there can be occasional aches following the first treatment or two. Good massage professionals will discuss the procedures as they are administered and encourage their patients to inform them what sensations they are feeling. The more details patients can relay to their provider the better they will be able to target the exact areas that are causing the most trouble.

When massage therapy is fully applied the results can be quite phenomenal – so approach this proactively and make use of the best professional services available.

What Kinds of Massage Works Best for Peripheral Neuropathy?

There are many different styles of massage that can each provide more focused treatments depending on the location and style of the peripheral neuropathy. Deep tissue, neuromuscular, and connective tissue massages are particularly effective for stimulating that essential circulatory system, although these do need to be administered professionally. More general ‘Swedish’ massages are best performed gently to help provide benign relief from pain alongside a pleasant psychological boost.

A good proportion of patients find that having these performed on a semi-regular basis provides lasting improvements. Talk to your healthcare provider to discuss how different forms of specialist massage therapy can help manage peripheral neuropathy.

  • Pains as discussed

  • Loss of balance/awareness (even if only fleeting)

  • Muscle wasting and weakness

  • Irregular blood pressure and heartbeat

  • Spontaneous sweating

  • Pronounced sensitivity

  • Sleeping issues caused by discomfort

  • Non-existent ‘pressures’ or ‘compactness’ around the extremities


Are There Any Risks?

There are very few risks from professionally administered massages for peripheral neuropathy. Before their first session patients will be evaluated for their suitability according to their existing medical status. Only a handful of ailments make people unsuitable for massage therapy.

Treatments are intended to prevent and decrease exposure to pain although there can be occasional aches following the first treatment or two. Good massage professionals will discuss the procedures as they are administered and encourage their patients to inform them what sensations they are feeling. The more details patients can relay to their provider the better they will be able to target the exact areas that are causing the most trouble.

When massage therapy is fully applied the results can be quite phenomenal – so approach this proactively and make use of the best professional services available.

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Our Healthcare Experts Can Help

It is a neck injury that happens when it is bent in a nodding movement violently, for example in a car accident when someone hits you from the back. This injury involves nerves, tendons, disks, and muscles in your neck that need to be monitored to ensure no serious damage was caused. Make an appointment as soon as possible with your doctor.

On average, neck stiffness goes away in a few weeks. When the injury affects only the soft tissue it takes between 6 to 10 weeks to heal. If nerves are damaged it will take longer. Our specialists can help you determine your condition and the best treatment. The earlier you start the easier it is to identify the area to work on. Call us for more information.

Physical Therapy is necessary to build flexibility and strength in the neck muscles. Follow your doctor’s advice on what medication to take to ease the pain. Apply ice to the affected area to avoid inflammation and be aware of your posture to speed the recovery. In case you are told to wear a foam collar, do it even if it is uncomfortable at the beginning. This will prevent you from accidentally hurting your neck again.

The answer is yes because the spine, the neck, and the head are connected through nerves that send messages to the brain when one of them is hurt.
If the pain spreads to your temples, forehead, and around the eyes, it might be a cervicogenic headache. Talk to your doctor to get evaluated.

Locate the painful spot and massage in circles. If you feel a knot push it carefully up and down. You can also try gently stretching your neck and moving it to left and right. Take pain relievers as advised by your doctor. Make sure you do not spend long periods of time in the same posture. If the pain persists for more than three weeks visit a chiropractor or physical therapist.

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Our Healthcare Experts Can Help

It is a neck injury that happens when it is bent in a nodding movement violently, for example in a car accident when someone hits you from the back. This injury involves nerves, tendons, disks, and muscles in your neck that need to be monitored to ensure no serious damage was caused. Make an appointment as soon as possible with your doctor.

On average, neck stiffness goes away in a few weeks. When the injury affects only the soft tissue it takes between 6 to 10 weeks to heal. If nerves are damaged it will take longer. Our specialists can help you determine your condition and the best treatment. The earlier you start the easier it is to identify the area to work on. Call us for more information.

Physical Therapy is necessary to build flexibility and strength in the neck muscles. Follow your doctor’s advice on what medication to take to ease the pain. Apply ice to the affected area to avoid inflammation and be aware of your posture to speed the recovery. In case you are told to wear a foam collar, do it even if it is uncomfortable at the beginning. This will prevent you from accidentally hurting your neck again.

The answer is yes because the spine, the neck, and the head are connected through nerves that send messages to the brain when one of them is hurt.
If the pain spreads to your temples, forehead, and around the eyes, it might be a cervicogenic headache. Talk to your doctor to get evaluated.

Locate the painful spot and massage in circles. If you feel a knot push it carefully up and down. You can also try gently stretching your neck and moving it to left and right. Take pain relievers as advised by your doctor. Make sure you do not spend long periods of time in the same posture. If the pain persists for more than three weeks visit a chiropractor or physical therapist.

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