8 Best TBI Treatment Options

September 20, 2021

2 - Minute Read


Traumatic brain injury occurs when normal brain function is disrupted due to a bump, blow, or sudden hit that destroys the skull and brain tissues. Traumatic brain function leads to memory loss, loss of consciousness, mental state alteration, and focal neurological deficits. Traumatic brain injury can be mild, severe, or moderate. Severe TBI cases can lead to coma, unconsciousness, or death. Traumatic brain injury can cause intracerebral hemorrhage, contusion, diffuse injuries, hematoma, skull fractures, diffuse axonal injury, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. TBI can be diagnosed through the Glasgow coma scale, imaging tests (MRI or CT scan), and intracranial pressure monitor. Traumatic brain injury can be treated using the following ways:


1. Medications

The main reason medications are immediately given to traumatic brain injury patients is to prevent secondary brain damage. Some of these medications include coma-inducing drugs, anti-seizure drugs, and diuretics.


2. Surgery

Depending on the severity of the injury, you may be required to undergo emergency surgery. The surgery can be performed to repair broken skulls, remove clotted blood, or stop bleeding in the brain.


3. Alpha Stim

This treatment option uses electro-medical technology. The Alpha stim device produces a powerful waveform to the brain so that the cells can start functioning normally. The best part about this TBI treatment option is that it gives long-lasting results while lowering the risk of using medications and their tolerance effects. Apart from stimulating brain cells, this procedure also helps to improve sleep, relieve anxiety, and improve moods.


4. Infrared Light Therapy

This involves using infrared light to protect, stimulate and heal the injured brain tissues to prevent them from dying. After consecutive treatments for at least two months, the patient will have improved functional connectivity, neuropsychological improvement, and improved cerebral perfusion. Infrared light therapy induces cellular events and also keeps neurons protected from neurotoxins.


5. Exercise with Oxygen

It’s commonly known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It involves inhaling 100% oxygen to stimulate and reduce brain damage. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by increasing tissue oxygenation, suppressing inflammation in the brain, reducing ICP, reducing apoptosis, and promoting angiogenesis and neurogenesis.


6. Vagus Nerve Stimulation

This traumatic brain injury treatment works by activating brain parts that help in learning, cognitive processing, sensory processing, and regulating epilepsy development. Vagus nerve stimulation plays a significant role in activating the cingulate cortex and amygdala, which help cognitive processing and learning. It also activates thalamic nuclei that are involved in serving relay functions.


7. Cognitive Rehabilitation

If you get severe brain injuries, you’ll be required to relearn some basic skills so that you can regain performing your routine activities. Cognitive rehabilitation will vary depending on the injured brain part and severity. Therefore, you can be directed for rehabilitation to different specialists such as a physiatrist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, neuropsychologist, or recreational therapist. 


8. HRV Biofeedback

Heart rate variability (HRV) plays a crucial role in both physiological mechanisms and cardiovascular health. It involves the use of an HRV monitoring device to get auditory feedback required for HRV training. This training involves some breathing exercises that assist in improving respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Biofeedback instruments help in providing breathing rates visual pacers and also tell when one achieves better results on concussion injuries.


These are the top treatment options for traumatic brain injury. Our doctors can recommend the best treatment option depending on the severity of your injuries.

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