Physiotherapy & Physical Therapy
Conditions That Physical Therapy Help
Physical therapy is prescribed to help patients like you increase motion, restore function, and return to daily activities without pain. Physical therapy or “medically directed rehab” restore your body to it’s proper balance and function by stretching muscles that are chronically tight and strengthening muscles that have weakened over time. Our Edgewater and New Smyrna Beach, FL patients include many individuals that have been involved in auto accidents and are suffering from whiplash conditions.
Typical treatment will include a series of stretches, cervical traction, and mobilizations. Exercises prescribed by the provider are designed to increase your endurance and strengthen muscles that may have been weakened due to an injury such as an auto accident. More advanced exercises focus on improving strength, balance, and coordination. Our goal is to help you reach your health goals and to allow you to function at home and work without pain.

Our Healthcare Experts Can Help
Some reasons might be:
- Tight hip abductor muscles. If you spend hours sitting and do not exercise regularly, you are more prone to have hip and leg pain
- Hip Osteoarthritis. With age also bone decalcification comes. Some symptoms are stiffness when walking or pain especially in the mornings or after long periods of rest
- Call us to make an appointment
If the cause of the pain is not due to your feet structure then you can try the next tips:
- Check your shoes to make sure they fit you well regardless of the size
- Try arch supports for a couple of days and see if the pain goes away
- Get a foot massage and a bath to relax the muscles
- Try exercises that strengthen your feet and ankles
- If you are overweight, consider that your legs and feet are working extra than normal. Make a plan to lose weight to stop the pain
When you have lower back pain it is likely that the nerves in that area are swollen. In most cases, the reason is a hernia in one of the disks that are causing pressure on the nerve endings. When a nerve is hurt it can cause numbness in both or one leg. If you are having these symptoms do not hesitate to call your doctor.
Yes, according to podiatrists, people with flat feet roll them inwards when they walk or run creating a higher impact on the legs, knees and sometimes back muscles. Since the feet bones are aligned to the hip, fat feet can change the way you walk. This movement can cause misalignment of the ankle, knee, hip and back
Yes. A torn meniscus can extend to the knee and leg when you move or bend. When it is not treated on time, knee locking can cause more pain in the joints and leg. Do not let knee pain untreated because it can lead to surgery that requires downtime and more physical therapy.
Our Healthcare Experts Can Help
Some reasons might be:
- Tight hip abductor muscles. If you spend hours sitting and do not exercise regularly, you are more prone to have hip and leg pain
- Hip Osteoarthritis. With age also bone decalcification comes. Some symptoms are stiffness when walking or pain especially in the mornings or after long periods of rest
- Call us to make an appointment
If the cause of the pain is not due to your feet structure then you can try the next tips:
- Check your shoes to make sure they fit you well regardless of the size
- Try arch supports for a couple of days and see if the pain goes away
- Get a foot massage and a bath to relax the muscles
- Try exercises that strengthen your feet and ankles
- If you are overweight, consider that your legs and feet are working extra than normal. Make a plan to lose weight to stop the pain
When you have lower back pain it is likely that the nerves in that area are swollen. In most cases, the reason is a hernia in one of the disks that are causing pressure on the nerve endings. When a nerve is hurt it can cause numbness in both or one leg. If you are having these symptoms do not hesitate to call your doctor.
Yes, according to podiatrists, people with flat feet roll them inwards when they walk or run creating a higher impact on the legs, knees and sometimes back muscles. Since the feet bones are aligned to the hip, fat feet can change the way you walk. This movement can cause misalignment of the ankle, knee, hip and back
Yes. A torn meniscus can extend to the knee and leg when you move or bend. When it is not treated on time, knee locking can cause more pain in the joints and leg. Do not let knee pain untreated because it can lead to surgery that requires downtime and more physical therapy.